Reserve your 5000 Shares Super Founders with only 4,999mxn ( 260USD ).
Because is a Private Sale
We send you a signed private contract between Founder Marcel and your name to be signed in three copys.
This contract will be valid once the amount of 5000 USD, deducing the reserve fee is fullfilled. 5000 Shares.
Notice: This first round our legal biding contract is a private contract. Until we arrive to our initial 25KUSD Objective were we are going to legalize the enterprise.
In case of inverstor not deciding to continue the investment, the Reserve fee give right to have 263 Founder Share worth in Serie B Shares.
Because of estrict foreing investment laws, Foreigner Investors in Serie A Super Founders, must take notice that they must do a Trust (Fideicomiso) to be named in the legal entreprise papers (2,500 to 10000) suplementary cost. Does who decide to go further can choose Marcel Trust option, until we find the best solution to legalize property shares.
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